Epidemiology of digestive bleeding

  • Carlos Enrique Ichiyanagui Rodríguez Universidad San Martin de Porres
Keywords: Digestive bleeding unit, Upper gastrointestinal bleeding, Lower gastrointestinal bleeding, Mortality


Gastrointestinal bleeding is a common clinical entity and the main gastroenterological emergency. Since 1994 the Digestive Bleeding Unit, Hospital Rebagliati has acquired great experience in this field. 83% are upper GI bleedings and 17% lower GI bleedings, 63% are male and 37% female. Two thirds are older than 60. The main upper GI diagnoses are: duodenal ulcer (24,5%), gastric ulcer (19,8%) and gastroesophageal varices (15%). The main lower GI diagnosis is colon diverticulosis. The mortality rate in a specialized unit like ours is as low as 3% and the main factors involved are: amount of bleeding, liver cirrhosis, presence of hematemesis.


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How to Cite
Ichiyanagui Rodríguez CE. Epidemiology of digestive bleeding. Acta Med Peru [Internet]. 2024May22 [cited 2024Sep.16];23(3):152 -155. Available from: https://amp.cmp.org.pe/index.php/AMP/article/view/1187