Time of exposure to digital screens and its association with Computer Vision Syndrome in medical students
Eye diseases, Students, medical, Asthenopia, Education, medical, Dry eye syndromes/etiology, Vision disorders/etiologyAbstract
Objective: To evaluate if prolonged exposure to digital screens in medicine students at a private university would increase the probability of suffering from Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study in human medicine students from Universidad CientIfica del Sur was performed, using non-probabilistic convenience sampling. The CVS was virtually assessed using the SVI-Q questionnaire, considering demographic characteristics, screen exposure, preventive measures, and ocular diseases. Results: Most students were women (64.08%), with 20-years median age. Nearly sixty percent (59.2%) used glasses (mainly with frames), 55.8% had myopia, and 48.5% had astigmatism. The analysis revealed that screen exposure for four hours or more during virtual classes was related to having CVS (p<0.001). Other related factors were the prolonged use of electronic devices and staring at distant places. Conclusions: Prolonged exposure to digital screens is related to the likelihood for developing Computer Visual Syndrome in medical students at Universidad Cientifica del Sur, particularly in women and myopic persons. Other related factors include the prolonged use of electronic devices such as laptops and staring at distant sites.
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