Hemoglobinuria paroxística

  • Jorge F. Castillo A. Hospital Central N°2 del Seguro Social del Perú
  • Augusta M. Rojas Hospital Central N°2 del Seguro Social del Perú
  • Alipio Jeri Hospital Central N°2 del Seguro Social del Perú
  • Edda H. de Aguayo Hospital Central N°2 del Seguro Social del Perú


It has been studied five cases of P.N.H. In four of them the disease presented in its classical form; one of them showed more PNH "defect" than disease. In all our patients at the time of diagnosis was found anemia; in three leukopenia and in two thrombocytopenia. None of them was treated with iron; three patients were treated with androgens beings only one of them benefited. Two patients were given adrenal steroids without any evidence of improvement. 


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How to Cite
Castillo A. JF, Rojas AM, Jeri A, de Aguayo EH. Hemoglobinuria paroxística. Acta Med Peru [Internet]. 2024May22 [cited 2024Sep.16];3(3-4):207-11. Available from: https://amp.cmp.org.pe/index.php/AMP/article/view/1570