Bilateral blindness and hematoneurological signs after bothropic bite
Snake bite, Bothrops, Intracranial Hemorrhages, antiveninsAbstract
20 years old farmer, coming from San Miguel of Calleria (Ucayali, Perú: north-eastern jungle 842 km from Lima), bitten by a Bothrops spp snake in his left ankle, who in spite of receiving 18 hours later a unique infusion of 25 mg of antisnake polyvalent serum, develops from the first hours pain, edema and swelling of his left ankle, upward bruising of his left leg, oral bleeding, hematuria, oliguria, headache, altered consciousness, aphasia, dysarthria, meningeal signs, amaurosis, hemiparesis of his right body, ocular muscle paresis to left predominance and bilateral paralytic mydriasis. Bilateral Retinography: pale optic disc and thinned retinal blood vessels. Visual evoked response: absent waves, bilaterally. Brain Tomography (TEM): left parieto-occipital intrabrain hemorrhage. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), of optic pathways: inflammation and paths tortuosity of both optic nerves, to right predominance. 50 days after the bothropic accident, although the patient walk alone, he does not see anything with the right eye while with the left eye sees people as shadows.
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